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Winning with Your Small Business

Winning with Your Small Business

Unpacking How Marketing Works

Marketing is like the fuel that powers a small business. That’s because it’s pretty hard to make money without customers, and it’s pretty near impossible to find those customers without having a plan to market your business. But what exactly goes into that plan, and what steps do you need to take for your marketing to be successful? Let’s break it down and look at some important parts you could focus on to make your business even better.


Setting goals and objectives is a basic part of any big marketing plan, but it’s often harder to do than it sounds. Here are a few things to think about when setting your business’s objectives:

  • Picture what success looks like for your business. What would make you feel proud of all the work you’ve put into your company? How much money or time do you hope you’ll have brought in by the end of the year?
  • Take your big goals and break them into smaller, easier-to-achieve goals. This way, instead of being overwhelmed all at once, you’ll have solid, manageable steps to focus on every day.

Knowing Your Audience

Understanding your audience is critical to your business’s success. To get to know them better:

  • Make sure you’re talking to the right people. Also, try narrowing your approach rather than painting with broad strokes.
  • Develop an understanding of what matters to them, and learn to communicate effectively in their language.
  • Understand what they expect from you before moving forward with any marketing plans.

Maintaining Customer Connections

Keeping in touch with your customers is a key part of keeping your business running smoothly. You could, for example, remind them kindly of your business or suggest new products they might be interested in.

Make sure you always respond quickly when customers contact you—even if they’re not happy. This shows your business genuinely cares about its customers and is ready to really listen to their needs or complaints. Sometimes, respectfully hearing an unhappy customer can turn their experience around.

Using Social Media Right

Social media platforms can help you reach potential customers and create a group of people who love your brand.

How much time can you devote to social media? What kind of content do you want to create and share? Who do you want to reach? These are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding on your social media approach.

Selecting the Right Keywords

Keywords are what people type into Google when they want to find information, and they’re super important to your marketing. It’s key to make smart keyword choices so your business shows up in their search results.

When deciding on keywords, consider how many people search for them and whether those searches relate to your offerings or not. For example, if someone searches “buy shoes online,” and you’re a shoe shop, that’s a good match.

Grow Your Brand’s Community

One of the best ways of creating a community around your brand is by using social media. Spend more time interacting with your online communities to build trust, which can eventually turn into sales!

Following the right steps can lead a small business to success, but remember, not every step is simple or free. But if you are committed to these approaches, you’re on a path leading to success.

While sometimes marketing can be tough, taking the right steps will help you find your customers and grow your brand. By staying true to these tips, you’ll stand a better chance at success in today’s busy world. Ready to lift your business to new heights? Check out 8 Count Marketing’s great services and watch your business grow today.

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